A.R. Wallace discovered biological evolution: «It is guided by a Mind»

The book Nature’s Prophet (University Alabama Press 2018), dedicated to Alfred Russel Wallace, was published some days ago. The author, Michael A. Flannery, science historian at the University of Alabama di Birmingham has held that Wallace’s formulation of biological evolution was totally incompatible with Darwin’s. Indeed, his theory developed in a theological context. A theistic evolution, we may say.


«Creationists and Darwinian Atheists: the same mistakes»

The Catholic Church always supported the compatibility between faith and theory of evolution, instead Protestants and Atheist are allies against that. The Catholic biologist Mariano Bizzarri disproves their mistakes.


Roger Penrose on consciousness: «Its comprehension is beyond physics»

The famous physicist and matematician, Roger Penrose, on human consciouseness e its irreducibility. Penrose attacks the determinism and scientific materialism, teaching that there can be no a really Artificial Intelligence because intelligence implies the consciouseness.


Genesis is not in contradiction with science

Interview with Vincenzo Balzani, an italian chemist.

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